Maia Randklev, Emily Christian, Kayla Notbohm, and Briana Jones recreate the Beatles' Abbey Road album cover in Norway.
Late Wednesday night here in Sarpsborg and it has been another great day. We started with a band rehearsal at 9:00 AM. It was great to play again; we had not played since last Friday. We then had some down time until 12:00. That was good for the kids because it has been go, go, go.
We took a tour of Sarpsborg at 12:00. It started with a tour and lunch at the Storedahl Kultursenter. Erling Storedahl was responsible for bringing light and inspiration to blind and disabled people. It was a very interesting place and we had an educational presentation in an amphitheatre. We enjoyed lunch with the Sarpsborg Jente og Gutte Korps. We have made many good friends in that band.
Next we visited a fortress called Fredricksten. Claire Anderson and Mr. Morlock, the two biggest golf nuts on the trip, took the time to visit the golf course next to the fortress and got Norwegian scorecards.
We travelled to Olaf Hotel and unloaded our instruments to prepare for a short parade. We marched about 6 blocks to the city center where we joined 3 other bands for a concert. The band played well and the crowd was very enthusiastic about our music.
After dinner (middag) at the Festiviteten we returned to the St. Olaf Hotel. The jazz band did a great job at the concert and again we had a fantastic crowd.
It was a long and tiring today. Tomorrow is the big day. Lots of marching and playing and the choir sings in a church service at 12:30 PM. The day will end with a farewell barbecue and bonfire by the sea.
Hey Diane,
Missing you a BUNCH! Good luck tommorrow and take lots of pics. Dad wants you to bring home a doggie bag from the barbeque (just kidding)!!
Mom and DAD
Hey Andyman! How much Lutefisk and Lefse have you eaten? Did you remember to bring the Nowegian T-shirt I bought you? Maybe you can finally find out what Uff-da really means. Don't eat too much rommegrot! (Ha! HA!) Sing your heart out, and make us proud! Miss you and see in a couple days.
Love Mom Dad Sarah Aaron and Leah
Hi Maureen-
We're glad you're having a great time in Norway. Have you seen Marie or Erling Slotten yet? Please greet them from me if you do.
Don't forget to pick up some Norwegian money for your collection.
I got 290/300 points on my final project!
Mom, Dad & the Critters
Hey Erin & Grant,
Miss you lots. See you on pics so we know your alive and having fun! Hope this is going to be the best day ever. See you soon!
Love Ya, Mom ,Dad, Alyssa & Maxxi
Hi Kaia,
We've been enjoying pictures being sent and the messages about what you are all doing over there. It sounds fabulous. We'll be celebrating the Syttende Mai back here at home with Sons of Norway, but I'd honestly much rather be with you in Norway on this exciting day over there. See you in a few days. We love you, Dad, Mom and Mara
Hi Guys.
Thanks for a great jazz concert yesterday evening. You guys are great players and showed some great soloists. I also wanted to thank you for all the cheering and applauds in our part of the concert ( Skjeberg Storband / Big band,sarpsborg ). It was great playing for you, thank you !! Im so pleased that you are so satisfied with your stay in our country and enjoying our rough nature. Unfortunately the weather are a bit cold, we did enjoy the warmest april in 30 years, and it was really good, and some people even tried to swim in the ocean prior to May 1.
Today on our big day, I have, unfortunately, not been able too see you guys, because I have been playing with a brass band in the nearby city ( fredrikstad ) since 15 minutes past 6 am, and have been playing in two similar parades today. I hope you all are enjoying the bbq and rest of the time here. Have a safe journey home and take care.
Greetings from Svein Pedersen ( drummer, Skjeberg Storband )
Hi Jenna --
We miss you LOTS!! Looks like you're all having a great time. We've been checking the blog daily and are enjoying the pictures and recap of all of the activities. We appreciate all the hard work that is making it possible for us to follow your adventures. Take care and have LOTS of fun! We'll see you soon.
Mom, Dad, Tim, Michael & Brody
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