Thursday, May 17, 2007

the blog

As the end of the trip draws near, we should give credit to the people responsible for the blog. Allison Peterson and Brad Sherwood have taken hundreds upon hundreds of photos and made them available for the blog. Bruce Morlock has typed the daily updates, and Christy Keele (Morlock) has done the blog design and linked the photos from Bloomington, IN.

Think about this: we took the photo of the combined RRHS and SJGK bands at about 2:45 in the afternoon. Within an hour, that photo, plus all the others of the day plus the video link to Norway TV were all posted on the blog and being viewed literally around the world. Maybe that is only impressive to those of us who had typing class on manual typewriters.

It has really been exciting to post all of these things knowing how many people were hanging on our every word and photo. It has been a wonderful link.


Mookiesami said...

The blog is great. The narrative, video link. clock link and photos are timely and much appreciated. I can't wait to hear all about the trip from my daughter, but this has made it so exciting and fun for all of us back in the US to follow along and share the experience a bit. Thank you to all of you responsible for making this happen!

Susie Harrie

Jeff and Roxie Vaughan said...

To all who helped to make this blog thank you so much!! We appreciate all the work and have waited anxiously every day for the updates. This let us to feel that we were part of the experience and shared in these wonderful activities. To the people of Sarpsborg, thank you so much for inviting our children to share in your celebration and for your wonderful hospitality. This will be something they will never forget.

To all of our Roughriders - have fun on your final day there, and have a safe journey home. Laura V, we love and miss you and can't wait to hear about everything you've done. Love, Mom and Dad

The Grappler said...

The place looks awesome but, I'm sure its cooler to be there. Have a safe trip back guys.

Peg O'Leary said...

Thank you, thank you for the daily updates and the pics! It's been great fun to check in each day. Easy to see from the faces that the kids are having a wonderful time. Enjoy and be safe...

Peg O'Leary

melly said...

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! For all the wonderful photos, daily narratives, clock and so much more!! It has been a fantastic experience to "keep up" with the youth on this trip! THANK YOU to the wonderful chaperones! You're an inspiration.
We're praying for safe travel home and can hardly wait to hear about all the great times!!
THANK YOU to the Sarpsborg contingent for inviting the group to come and be a part of such an important day! It looks as though you have been fabulous hosts!!
Allie, can hardly wait to see & hear about meeting Cecilie! Love you!
Mel and Pete H.

Anders1987 said...

I just wanted to say that those who performed during the "søttende mai" (it's Norwegian and means May 17th) were fantastic! I saw you during the "show" in Kulåsparken after the parade and heared you sing in Sarpsborg church. :) The local newspaper wrote lots of positive things about you. By the way, I took some photos of you during the celebration. These can be found here. You can copy these photos to your own personal site or Facebook (or something like that) profile. :) If you have questions or comments, you can write a message at Facebook (my profile is Anders B-E), or you can send an e-mail to

I hope you enjoyed your stay here in Norway!

Anders Bolt-Evensen, Sarpsborg, Norway

Cecilie Engeseth said...
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Cecilie Engeseth said...

Yesterday I took a phone call to the hotel in Sarpsborg, to talk to Allie. I was so excited about wednesday, so I thought: "Hey, I want to go to Oslo on friday". So I had all the information from Allie, and met you in the Vigeland park in Oslo. And from there we took a bus to the viking ship mueseum, and I was been taking cared of by Mari Anne, who gave me a ticket to the museum. I am really happy that you guys made me feel home with you.

We were also walking in the Karl Johan's Gate today, so I was kind of a guid/translater, so that was fun! And I want to thank all the people that were so nice to me, you are sooooo awesome!

Good luck for all the graduation people!(: Well, see you an other time, I miss you!
Love Cecilie, Norway ("The Hopper")

Unknown said...

First of all, we want to extend a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the people of Sarpsborg for inviting our children to share in their celebration and providing such a wonderful experience for them. Thanks for your wonderful hospitality! We also want to thank the chaperones for taking such good care of our children. And again, another BIG THANK YOU to everyone responsible for putting together this blog. Your hard work is appreciated so much! The pictures and daily narratives were GREAT! It was the next best thing to being there with you all. It was fun to follow along daily and share your experiences. We are anxious to hear from Jenna about everything in detail! We miss her and are anxious to have her back home with us. Have a safe trip home everyone!

Paul & Deb Kvale